Leadership with over 30 Years of Educational Management

Altitude Educational Management is a leading organization based in Sao Paulo, Brazil and operates in partnership with Character NGO, City University in Lebanon, Georgetown International Relations Association (GIRA), Lyon MUN, and VIE Strategic Consulting.


“Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude”

– Zig Ziglar, Author and Motivational Speaker
Altitude engineers academic programs that bridge the gap between traditional educational modules and the exigencies of the job market. It adopts a leadership pedagogy centered around the holistic development of mental, physical, emotional, and ethical intelligences. It craves for state-of-the-art programming in youth leadership development, women leadership, career guidance, corporate training, and curricular development.


What We Do

Have you ever thought about what sets you apart from others? The need to bridge the gap between education, career and today’s global world is the key to improve and increase your…Altitude!


Our Approach

The future is changing and by 2025, 50% of the all the employees will need re-skilling. Altitude prepares the youth, employees, and executives to embark on the high-in demand careers in the world and on entrepreneurial journeys.

Our Mission

To engineer transformational leadership programs that prepare educational institutions, corporate businesses, public sectors, and civic society organizations to meet the challenges of the job market of 2030-2050.


Capitals of the World


Educational Ressources


Elie Samia

Chief Executive Officer of Altitude MUN, Professor of Political Economy, Program Director of Altitude MUN, former Global Classrooms International MUN program director, former program director of prestigious simulation models such as LAU Harvard World MUN, LAU MUN, LAU Model Arab League, LAU Model European Union, LAU Model African Union, LAU Model Good Governance, and former Assistant Vice President for Outreach & Civic Engagement at Lebanese American University. Prolific author of multiple publications on peace building and international relations, he was recognized at the MUN Hall of Fame for his contributions in spreading MUN culture worldwide. He has provided more than 1,000 workshops about leadership development to 60,000 middle school and high schools students and to 25,000 cadres in the public sector, civic society organizations and the educational sector. Click here to view milestones.